Additional information
Address before the Holocaust (city) | Sükösd / Tüskevár |
Date of death (day) | 15 |
Date of death (month) | 4 |
Date of death (year) | 1944 |
Day of birth | 20 |
Did not survive (mark with x) | x |
Family name | Mezei |
First name | Sándor |
First name of father | Ármin |
First name of mother | Gizella |
First name of spouse | Jolán |
Gender (m/f) | m |
Marital status | married |
Month of birth | 9 |
Occupation before the Holocaust | merchant |
Place of ghetto | Keszthely |
Religion (USHMM codes) | izr |
Spouse's religion | izr |
Surname of father | Mezei |
Surname of mother (maiden or married) | Krausz |
Surname of spouse | Kohn |
Year of birth | 1904 |
Deported from | Zalaegerszeg |
Cause of Death | shot |
Other note/comment | Other note/comment |